Louvre Deck products offer protection against the direct sun heat as well as the dangerous ultra violet rays. It protects people and materials while allowing maximum sunlight into the adjacent areas.
The adjustable louvre roofs are guaranteed to keep out the sun, these are not designed or guaranteed to be waterproof.
Adjustable Awnings
A Louvre Deck adjustable awning consists of a number of robust, adjustable louvres that work in unison to regulate the amount of sunlight in the space below the roof, which also beneficially affects any adjacent living areas. By opening the louvres, even partially, hot air escapes, allowing adjacent living areas to remain cool. The design of your Louvre Deck roof can be adjusted in order to be incorporated into virtually any building style, sometimes providing spectacular results.
Louvre Deck facias and louvres are manufactured with CHROMADEK®, a galvanized sheet metal product, color coated with special pigmentation, ensuring a high quality product that is able to withstand extended outdoor exposure. To support our confidence, Louvre Deck provides a 5-year guarantee on all of our CHROMADEK® roof products. Over and above its aesthetic attributes, CHROMADEK® paint coatings provide superior corrosion protection as well as exhibiting excellent formability and elasticity to facilitate roll profiling and bending operations without damage to the paint coating.

Mechanism and support structure
The louvre mechanism and tubular steel frame is manufactured from mild steel. The steel is powder coated. Powder coating provides a sheen lasting louvre roof finish.
Size and mass
Louvres are 200mm wide and are spaced at intervals of 175mm. The awning mass is approximately 20kg / m².
The facias are available in a wide variety of CHROMADEK® colours or in other materials that blend with the aesthetics of the building.

Operation & Guarantee
The louvres can be opened in any position between 0 and 90º. When the roof is opened slightly it allows a considerable amount of light through, while providing a high amount of UV blockage due to the overlap of louvres.
- When the louvres are opened slightly, it facilitates ventilation and high UV blockage.
- When the louvres are opened wider, more direct sunshine and light passes through with low UV blockage.
- In the closed position the blades overlap to keep direct sunlight. Direct sunlight may be minimized to protect furniture and drapes in adjacent
LD products offers protection against the direct sun heat as well as dangerous ultra violet rays. It protects objects and materials also in adjacent areas.